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Supportive Sloths North West

Sling and Cloth Nappy Library based in the North West of England

Get to Know Us

Supportive Sloths NW is a sling and cloth nappy library in the North West covering areas of Cheshire, Merseyside and Greater Manchester. 


Run by Rachael, Adele and Jess, qualified sling consultants and nappy geeks who are supported by volunteers. You can come to a session, learn to use slings and carriers or find out more about using reusable nappies, hire them and meet other parents.


Up until 2022, Supportive Sloths NW was known as Warrington, Wigan and St Helens Sling and Cloth Nappy Library but as that was such a mouthful a new name was born. 



Library Sessions Weekly


Consultations on Request

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Slings & Carriers

We have over 200 slings and carriers in the library so are confident we can find one to suit your family's needs!

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Cloth Nappies

We have lots of different nappies within our kits (and lots of different kits too!) so we are confident you'll find a cloth nappy style to suit your family's needs!



Parents Recommend

"At the sling library, there are lots of tiny babies
and Super Mummies!"

Library visitor aged 3

Meet The Team

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