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Terms and Conditions
- Private Consultation with Lead Consultant

In additition to the standard terms and conditions for the library (found here:


I understand that I am paying a £35 non refundable fee to secure my booking. This payment must be made when booking. You will be sent full address details before the consultation.


Hire fees are £6 per week in addition to the consultation. Babies aged six weeks and under are eligible for four weeks free hire of a stretchy wrap.


Consultations will take place in the lead consultants home. Please be courteous to neighbours when parking.


Back carries can be taught, your consultant will explain the process for this.


Generally consultant appointments cannot be moved except in cases of illness, or when given more than 24 hours notice. Appointments can only be refunded in exceptional cases. I understand that the library will keep my details and will contact me if they need to with regards to any reportable illnesses.


If you have any questions regarding your booking or any of the terms and conditions please contact before booking.

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